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HAMBURGER MENU – With FullPage.js

[/op_item][op_item item_icon=»font» content_width=»1″ height=»1″ content_position=»1″ item_name=»Selection A» item_name_alias=»Selection A» icon_font=»fa fa-cubes» background_color=»rgba(221,51,51,0.3)» padding_tiny=»60px 20px»]


[/op_item][op_item item_icon=»font» height=»1″ content_position=»1″ item_name=»Selection B» item_name_alias=»Selection B» icon_font=»fa fa-heart» background_color=»#d8d8d8″ background_img=»5023″]


[/op_item][op_item item_icon=»font» height=»1″ content_position=»1″ item_name=»Selection C» item_name_alias=»Selection C» icon_font=»fa fa-play-circle» background_color=»rgba(30,115,190,0.3)» padding_tiny=»60px 20px»]


[/op_item][op_item item_icon=»font» height=»1″ content_position=»1″ item_name=»Features» item_name_alias=»Features» icon_font=»fa fa-database» background_color=»#d8d8d8″ padding_tiny=»0 20px» background_img=»5026″ padding_large=»0 60px»]


  • Support One Page Basic (Developed by Beeteam368) & Fullscreen Scrolling (FullPage.js)
  • One Click Import Full Sample Data (20+ demo).
  • Main Navigation Menus & Custom Menus (dropdown mode)
    • Support 700+ Google Fonts
    • Unlimited Color (background color, separator, menu item hover, menu item active …)
    • Logo Image on Main Navigation (support Retina Logo)
    • Support FontAwesome Icons & Image Icons
  • Smart Sticky Navigation
    • Unlimited Color (background, separator, menu item hover, menu item active …)
    • Logo Image on Sticky Navigation (support Retina Logo)
    • Support FontAwesome Icons & Image Icons
    • Behavior: Only Appears When Page Is Scrolled Down & Past The First Page
    • Behavior: Only Appears When Page Is Scrolled Up
    • Behavior: Always Visible
  • Sub Navigation
    • 6 styles x 3 Positions (Right, Left, Bottom)
    • Unlimited Color (background color, item hover, item active …)
    • Support Tooltip (700+ Google Fonts)
    • Support FontAwesome Icons & Image Icons
  • Fully HTML5 & CSS3 Support
  • 100% Responsive Design
  • Mobile Menu
    • Unlimited Color (background color, separator, item hover, item active …)
    • Compatible with all mobile devices (mobile, tablet)
  • Other
    • Support Full Screen Mode
    • Support HTML5 Video Background (MP4, OGV, WEBM)
    • Support Youtube Video Background
    • Support Parallax Scroll (down) Image Background
    • Support Particle Canvas Background (Full Options)
    • Support Content Animation On Visibility (70+ Effect)
    • Simple loading spinners animated with CSS (11 style – unlimited color & background color)
    • Scroll Next(Prev) Item Effect (jQuery Easing – Custom speed[in milisecond])
    • Support Full Height Mode for Each Item
    • Custom Content Width & Bootstrap Container (mobile, tablet, desktop)
    • Custom Content Padding (mobile, tablet, desktop)
    • Scroll Down More Button
    • And Much More …
[/op_item][op_item item_icon=»font» content_width=»2″ height=»1″ content_position=»1″ item_name=»How To Use» item_name_alias=»How To Use» icon_font=»fa fa-cogs» width_large=»800px» width_small=»100%» width_medium=»970px» padding_tiny=»54px 20px 60px 20px» background_color=»#ffffff»]

